Under 5’s

Discovering God together

Tuesday mornings (term time only) 9:15am - 10:45am at St Wilfrid's Church.

Little Wilf's is a place for children under 5 and their carers to come together and........

…....discover God's love

…....play together

…....meet with other people

…....make new friends

…....have fun

…....learn together be creative

As this is a safe place for everyone to be a part we would hope that -

All those who come feel able to join in and help their children to take part

Everyone feels welcome

We are able to cater for yours and your child's needs


tea and toast as people arrive

please sign in when you arrive


A short Under 5's friendly service in church when we....

...welcome everyone here

...sing songs

….tell a story

...light candles to remind us of God's presence


A time for toys, craft and conversation.  Here we enjoy...

...toys, crafts and messy play

...drinks and snacks for you and your children

...a chat with friends whilst keeping an eye on those children in your care.


Tidy up time and a final song together.

Little Wilf's is free, but you are welcome to make a donation towards our running costs (we suggest £1 per child). There is a donation pot on the welcome desk.

We keep a record of those who come to Little Wilf's so please fill in a contact form