4th Saturday of the month
4.00pm – 6.00pm
Experience Encourage Explore
Messy Church is a part of our St Wilfrid’s community and is a place for young and old to......
...experience the love of God
...be encouraged to grow in faith
...to explore being part of God's family
we do this together through.....
meeting with other people
making new friends
having fun
learning together
being creative
Our time together roughly follows the same pattern each month
4.00 Tea and biscuits
4.10 Time to explore the Bible together
4.30 Crafts and activities
5.05 Songs and Prayer
5.25 Tea
As this is a place for everyone to be a part we would hope that.......
All those who come are able to take part and try different activities. Please ensure your family is well supervised for their safety and enjoyment.
During the time we explore the Bible theme you will sit together as a family group and all feel able to join in.
During the meal you will sit with one another and enjoy conversation and friends, if there is something you run out of or don't like please do let us know.
You will feel able to give a donation towards the craft and food at Messy Church. As a guide we suggest £2 per person.
As you become more familiar with Messy Church you might feel able to be more involved in some more specific roles and ways.