The church is run by our Parochial Church Council and overseen by the current Church Wardens, Dave Dean and Audrey Stocks. The PCC secretary is Jo Mason and the Treasurer is Paul Jackson.
The Parish Church Council (PCC) is the charitable governing body of the local church, the membership is made up of clergy and elected members of the laity who are members of the church community. It’s principle purpose is to promote the mission of the church within the parish.
Our elected PCC members are:
Ceris Crow, Paul Howard, Val West, Amy Hodkinson, Laura Wilcock, Nick Loizou, Mark Thompson, Amanda Harrison, Adrian Harrison.
Our Deanery Synod reps are: Audrey Stocks, Jill Howard, Boyd Elliot
To read the latest PCC minutes
Guidance for Sub Committees and membership
To read our latest Annual Parochial Council Meeting report and minutes of APCM meetings please follow the links below
The Electoral Roll is the official membership list of St. Wilfrid's as presented to the Diocese. If you are on the Electoral Roll, you are able to nominate, be nominated and vote for PCC and Deanery Synod membership.
To qualify for admission on the Electoral Roll you will either
- need to be a member of the Church of England living in the parish,
- a member of the Church of England not living in the Parish but having worshipped habitually in the parish for the 6 months prior to enrolment
Forms are available at the back of Church or alternatively you can print a Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll
Today we have over 170 people on the electoral role and many more who attend our regular services and midweek activities.
Our safeguarding is overseen by Clare Mayne (Parish Safeguarding Officer) and her team
Some of our policies can be found here (for all policies please contact the church office):