There are many specific times during the month to gather in worshipping God together, with other members of St Wilfrid’s community both in person and online.
The variety of services enable everyone to worship God in their own way, know that they are loved by God and share that love with others.
Our regular service pattern is as follows
Worship for All @ 10 with livestream and children's groups, refreshments before and after
Worship for All @ 6 with traditional worship (1st and 3rd Sundays of the month)
Oasis @ 7 - a quiet reflective time of prayer and song (4th Sunday of the month)
On a 1st Sunday we have Breakfast@9.30 with bacon cobs and more...
Community Morning Prayer - 4th Mondays at 11.15am
Little Wilf's (term time) 9.15am - Toddler church with play, stories, songs and activities for under 5's.
Calverton Village Prayer - 2nd Thursday of the month
Messy Church - 4pm (4th Saturday of the month)